Title,Description 6 Steps to Effective Teacher Evaluation,"(4 PD Hrs.) By Dr. Rich Voltz - This course supports school leaders' development of stronger evaluation skills and offers practical activities and strategies to apply before, during and after the teacher evaluation process." Advocating Personal Wellness,"(2 PD Hrs.) This course will enable the practitioner to develop the ability to: demonstrate an understanding of fitness concepts, principles, strategies, and individual differences needed to maintain a health-enhancing level of fitness, implement a dynamic process of change and growth that leads to a balanced state overall well-being and establish self-assessment and data collection concerning personal wellness behaviors." Allocating and Assigning Personnel,"(2 PD Hrs.) In this course, participants will create an implementation plan that will ensure appropriate assignment of personnel and effective allocation. Implement evaluation processes, procedures and systems that ensure accountability for teachers and staff members and efficiently maintain records and reports that comply with state rules and regulations and local policy." Americans with Disabilities Act in the School Environment,"(3 PD Hrs) by Rachel M. Weisberg from Equip for Equality - This course covers Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, a federal civil rights law, that prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in participating in federally funded programs." Americans with Disabilities Act in the School Environment (2023 - 2024),"(3 PD Hrs) by Rachel M. Weisberg from Equip for Equality - This course covers Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, a federal civil rights law, that prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in participating in federally funded programs." Anaphylactic Reactions Management and Food Allergies,"(1 PD Hrs) This training will cover the common causes of severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) and train educators to recognize the signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis as well as emergency treatment." Anaphylactic Reactions Management and Food Allergies (2023 - 2024),"(1 PD Hrs) This training will cover the common causes of severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) and train educators to recognize the signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis as well as emergency treatment." Anti-Bias Education,"(1 PD Hr.) Presenters Dr. Tim Dohrer and Dr. Tom Golebiewski define the characteristics and behaviors of an anti-bias stance in an educational environment and outline the skills and steps to develop a strong, collaborative anti-bias education program." Anti-Bias Education (2023 - 2024),"(1 PD Hr.) Presenters Dr. Tim Dohrer and Dr. Tom Golebiewski define the characteristics and behaviors of an anti-bias stance in an educational environment and outline the skills and steps to develop a strong, collaborative anti-bias education program." Applying Learning Science in the Remote Classroom,"(3 PD Hrs.) Dr. Diana Zaleski, Illinois Education Association. This course introduces practical applications of learning science for the remote classroom. In other words, teaching practices that will help you and your students find success in a non-tradit" Assessing Student Learning and Growth,"(3 PD Hrs.) In this course the participant will learn how to facilitate teacher analysis of student data, improve the instructional process to ensure student growth; collaboratively develop an effective assessment framework to ensure learning and provide evidence of student progress, and provide an understandable vision of the learning targets for assessment literacy." Assessing the Learning Environment,"(3 PD Hrs.) This course will develop the ability to implement an ongoing process for assessing the use and management of space and physical resources to maximize student and teacher success, assess and monitor the effect of leadership’s practices and poli" Asthma Management for School Staff,"(0 PD Hrs.) This course will provide an overview of asthma, asthma emergency response, and review of general policies that apply to asthma management in schools." Asthma Management for School Staff (2023 - 2024),"(0 PD Hrs.) This course will provide an overview of asthma, asthma emergency response, and review of general policies that apply to asthma management in schools." Attendance and Student Engagement,"(2 PD Hrs.) This mandated course is designed to help educators understand the implications of the 2018 amendments to Illinois Senate Bill 3466 or Public Act 100-0810 related to student attendance, engagement, and discipline. This course will also discuss strategies to encourage student attendance and engagement." Attendance and Student Engagement (2023 - 2024),"(2 PD Hrs.) This mandated course is designed to help educators understand the implications of the 2018 amendments to Illinois Senate Bill 3466 or Public Act 100-0810 related to student attendance, engagement, and discipline. This course will also discuss strategies to encourage student attendance and engagement." Authentic Assessment in Early Childhood Part 1,"(4 PD Hrs.) Understanding the purposes, characteristics, benefits and processes of authentic assessment are necessary competencies for all early childhood professionals. During this course, participants will be introduced to the authentic assessment cycle" Authentic Assessment in Early Childhood Part 2: ISBE Components,"(3 PD Hrs.) This course will introduce the three Portfolio Components required by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE): Utilizing a Research-Based Assessment." Becoming a Collaborative Leader,"(2 PD Hrs.) Collaborative leaders work cooperatively with others toward a common purpose and enable others to succeed individually while accomplishing a collective outcome. These community-building leaders instill a sense of belonging, a feeling that members matter to one another and to the group, and a shared faith that members' needs will be met through their commitment to be together." Becoming a Conciliatory Leader,"(2 PD Hrs.) Conciliatory leaders recognize and resolve disputes by applying effective communication and using their problem-solving ability and negotiation to attain positive outcomes. These community-building leaders instill a sense of belonging, a feeling that members matter to one another and to the group, and a shared faith that members' needs will be met through their commitment to being together." Becoming a Connective Leader,"(2 PD Hrs.) Connective leaders actively meet people, introduce them to each other, and create bridges among disconnected people, resources, and ideas. These community-building leaders instill a sense of belonging, a feeling that members matter to one another and the group, and a shared faith that members' needs will be met through their commitment to being together." Becoming a Fit and Healthy Leader,"(2 PD Hrs.) Fit and healthy leaders embrace a balance between their professional and personal lives in the dimensions of physical, emotional, creative, environmental, financial, occupational, intellectual, social, and psychological wellness. They make focused changes and maintain awareness of what is currently working and what is not working, taking into consideration the contexts of relationships, work, fitness and health, and mental and emotional well-being. They take steps to plan routines and habits that promote this lifestyle in daily personal and professional life, sometimes with assistance from experts." Becoming a Generous Leader,"(2 PD Hrs.) Generous leaders are kind, understanding, and not selfish; and are willing to give to others including time, energy, advice, and talent. These behaviors help to ensure people's highest priorities are being served." Becoming a Humble Leader,"(2 PD Hrs.) Humble leaders know what they do not know, resist being arrogant, and never underestimate the competition. These leaders embrace challenges, persist despite obstacles, see effort as a path to mastery, learn from criticism, and are inspired by others' success." Becoming a Protective Leader,"(2 PD Hrs.) Protective leaders focus on the well-being of others, the community, and society at large rather than self. These behaviors help to ensure people's highest priorities are being served." Becoming a Reflective Leader,"(2 PD Hrs.) Reflective leaders think critically about personal behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, and values. These growth-minded leaders embrace challenges, persist despite obstacles, see effort as a path to mastery, learn from criticism, and are inspired by others' success." Becoming a Relational Leader,"(2 PD Hrs.) Relational leaders interact with people in ways that fulfill their physical, psychological, social, and emotional needs. These community-building leaders instill a sense of belonging, a feeling that members matter to one another and to the group, and a shared faith that members' needs will be met through their commitment to be together." Becoming a Self-Aware Leader,"(2 PD Hrs.) Self-aware leaders self-evaluate by reflecting on their thoughts, feelings, and actions. Educational leaders who are self-aware become better decision-makers, exhibit more self-confidence, and communicate with clarity and intention. These leaders use self-awareness and self-control to assist in evaluating and determining whether they are making the right choices for their organizations and their stakeholders." Becoming a Strategic Leader,"(2 PD Hrs.) The strategic school leader exhibits the ability to anticipate, challenge, interpret, decide, align, and learn strategically. Researchers have found that strength in one skill cannot easily compensate for a deficit in another. An adaptive strategic leader has learned to apply all six at once. Additional strategic leader qualities are strong communication, active listening, passion, positivity, innovation, collaboration, honesty, diplomacy, empathy, and humility." Becoming a Trustworthy Leader,"(2 PD Hrs.) This course aims to assist leaders in the pursuit of becoming more trustworthy by providing a structured approach to self-reflection, assessment, and exploration of personal behaviors, skills, attitudes, and strategies related to trustworthy leadership." Becoming a Visionary Leader,"(2 PD Hrs.) Visionary leaders build a group vision as a guide for making all decisions. They model visionary behavior because they believe vision is contagious. The ultimate purpose of the visionary attribute is to ensure that school leaders possess the skills to lead their schools with a futuristic vision. They do this while sharing the vision and inspiring stakeholders to move forward toward a better school in the future by vigorously instituting the vision with staff assistance and implementing changes that are necessary to realize the vision." Becoming an Accountable Leader,"(2 PD Hrs.) Accountable leaders hold themselves to a higher standard and continuous growth; they honor, stand behind, and take ownership of their agreements and decisions. These growth-minded leaders embrace challenges, persist despite obstacles, see effort as a path to mastery, learn from criticism, and are inspired by the success of others." Becoming an Analytic Leader,"(2 PD Hrs.) Analytic leaders possess the ability to adopt a data-driven analytic approach to decision-making, promote the ability of other educators to influence the learning environment based on data and implement effective systems to expedite the collection, analysis, and reporting of relevant data to solve issues and achieve educational goals. Additionally, the school leader exhibits the ability to collect multiple forms of data and use analytics at a new level for concise, powerful, data-driven decisions that positively impact and support student learning." Becoming an Articulate Leader,"(2 PD Hrs.) Articulate leaders adhere to high standards and exhibit a proficiency to clearly convey and promote the mission, vision, and direction of the school while conveying intentions, roles, and responsibilities to all stakeholders. They use articulations by encouraging shared values and enacting value-driven leadership committed to personal, professional, and educational values for all." Becoming an Empathetic Leader,"(2 PD Hrs.) Empathetic leaders have the ability to recognize, value, and share others' feelings. These actions help to ensure people's highest priority needs are being served." Becoming an Ethical Leader,"(2 PD Hrs.) Leaders who prioritize ethical conduct embody a set of principles, values, and beliefs that guide their actions and influence those around them. This course aims to assist leaders in this pursuit by providing a structured approach to self-reflection, assessment, and exploration of personal behaviors, attitudes, and strategies related to ethical leadership." Becoming an Intentional Leader,"(2 PD Hrs.) Intentional leaders act rather than react, are deliberate, recognize every aspect of their behavior, and set personal leadership milestones. These growth-minded leaders embrace challenges, persist despite obstacles, see effort as a path to mastery, learn from criticism, and are inspired by others' success." Becoming an Optimistic Leader,"(PD Hrs. 2) Optimistic leaders remain steadfast personally and professionally in the face of adversity; believe adversity can be overcome; look on the positive side of situations, and are positive when others cannot see beyond problems and risks to find a creative solution. They model optimistic behavior because they believe optimism is contagious. Therefore, an effective, optimistic leader chooses a positive attitude, sets the tone for everyone, and promotes a culture of optimism within their organizations." Bias and Microaggressions in the Classroom,"(2 PD Hrs.) Presented by Dr. Carolyn Strong. This course is about bias and microaggressions, their impact, and how to circumvent it. It reveals the power of words and unpacks the fact that sometimes things not said can be just as impactful as the things that are said. The way we word things can make all the difference in the world." Bias and Microaggressions in the Classroom (2023 - 2024),"(2 PD Hrs.) Presented by Dr. Carolyn Strong. This course is a conversation about bias and microaggressions, their impact, and how to circumvent it. It reveals the power of words and unpacks the fact that sometimes things not said can be just as impactful as the things that are said. The way we word things can make all the difference in the world." Black Girl Blues,"(6 PD Hrs.) Black Girl Blues exposes participants to the historical, cultural, and social factors behind girl bullying in the African American culture. This course will define the economic status, identity development, topics, and physical characteristics." Bloodborne Pathogens,"(0 PD Hrs) By Martha Peebles This training will cover the universal precautions for protecting yourself from exposure to bloodborne pathogens such as Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV and AIDS." Bloodborne Pathogens (2023 - 2024),"(0 PD Hrs) By Martha Peebles This training will cover the universal precautions for protecting yourself from exposure to bloodborne pathogens such as Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV and AIDS." Brain Science for Principals,"(2 PD Hrs.) By Dr. Linda Lyman - This course will address principals' current leadership needs to understand the implications of educational neuroscience for learning and leading." Building a Community of Writers in Grades K-6 Classroom,"(3 PD Hrs.) by Taylar Wenzel, Center for the Collaborative Classroom In this course, the presenter shares the 'Elements of Effective Instruction Tool' and an overview of the 'Writing Workshop'. Section One will discuss: 1) the importance of daily writing, 2) student motivation, 3) teaching with published works, 4) the writing process, and 5) teaching grammar in context. Sections 2 and Section 3 will address the importance of social-emotional goals and how to meet students' needs using teacher and peer conferences." Building a Foundation for Leadership Success,"(4 PD Hrs.) By Jim Burgett - This course outlines four fundamental attributes for successful school leaders. They are: making ethical decisions; being visible at the building level; creating positive relationships; and invoking positive attitudes." Building A+ Relationships for Leadership Success,"(4 PD Hrs.) by Jim Burgett - Building positive workplace relationships and strong people skills is vital for success. This course will review four of the six chapters from Dale Carnegie, 'How to Win Friends and Influence People.'" Building Relationships,"(3 PD Hrs.) Presented by Dr. Herschel Hannah. This course provides participants with structures and strategies to implement protocols and practices in building relationships with students and stakeholders." Bullying and Harassment: Helping Students and Parents,"(1 PD Hr.) Judy Brunner and Dennis Lewis will provide participants information related to the ever-changing legal parameters as well as when and how school personnel may intervene." Bullying and Harassment: Helping Students and Parents (2023 - 2024),"(1 PD Hr.) Judy Brunner and Dennis Lewis will provide participants information related to the ever-changing legal parameters as well as when and how school personnel may intervene." Bullying Litigation Protection: Prevention and Response,"(2 PD Hrs.) By Judy Brunner and Dennis Lewis -This course will provide participants information related to the ever-changing legal parameters when bullying, harassment and intimidation become problems for students." Care for Students with Diabetes,"(1 PD Hrs.) Presenter Martha Peebles - This course has been designed to recognize signs and symptoms of a diabetic reaction and how to respond when a student is in need of emergency medical attention." Care for Students with Diabetes (2023 - 2024),"(1 PD Hrs.) Presenter Martha Peebles - This course has been designed to recognize signs and symptoms of a diabetic reaction and how to respond when a student is in need of emergency medical attention." Childhood Resilience,"(2 PD Hrs.) Resilience describes the ability to bounce back from adversity in life. A more comprehensive and complex definition identifies resilience as a protective or positive process that is employed to reduce the negative outcomes that are possible when risk factors are present. In this course, Mick Duffy will guide participants to explore resilience in the individual factors of temperament, relationship, and environment." Chronic Absenteeism,"(3 PD Hrs.) This course is designed to help educators understand the accountability requirements concerning chronic absenteeism, and will discuss resources and strategies to improve student attendance and engagement." Chronic Health Conditions of Students,"(1 PD Hr.) Presenter Martha Peebles will cover common chronic health conditions of students. Course covers signs and symptoms of special medical conditions of students' including the need for staff to be familiar with students individual emergency health care plan." Chronic Health Conditions of Students (2023 - 2024),"(1 PD Hr.) Presenter Martha Peebles will cover common chronic health conditions of students. Course covers signs and symptoms of special medical conditions of students' including the need for staff to be familiar with students individual emergency health care plan." Classroom Control and Discipline,"(6 PD Hrs.) This course will cover six sections: 1) Rules 2) Procedures 3) Consequences 4) Room Arrangements 5) Building Relationships 6) Engaging Instruction" Close Reading in the K-5 Classroom,"(2 PD Hrs.) By Jill Brown. Close Reading is a portion of the Text Complexity Model found in the Common Core State Standards. This course will define close reading, identify its components, and provide practice and resources for classroom implementation with both literature and informational texts." Collaborating with Families During Remote Instruction,"(3 PD Hrs.) Dr. Diana Zaleski, Illinois Education Association. The purpose of this course is to discuss opportunities for educators to collaborate with and support students and their families during times of remote instruction." Conducting Assessment Audits,"(3 PD Hrs.) The purpose of this course is to introduce educators to the process of conducting district assessment audits. District assessment audits help educators evaluate assessments and determine which assessments are necessary for essential diagnostic" Conflict Resolution @Work,"(2 PD Hrs.) By Karen Wagnon. In this course, you will identify and understand the different types of conflict: intra-personal, interpersonal, personal-role and personal group. Participants will analyze, develop and apply conflict and negotiating strategies by adapting to needs of the different personalities in the conflict." Creating a Learning Focused Curriculum,"(2 PD Hrs.) In this course, participants will learn how to facilitate teacher analysis of the curriculum selection and development process, provide curriculum-related feedback, and review how to implement processes and procedures that support effective curricular practices to promote student learning." Creating a Valid and Reliable Assessment,"(2 PD Hrs.) By Daniel Frederking - This course covers best practice in classroom assessment design, creation, and modification of assessments while exploring three phases: Planning for the assessment, designing the assessment, and post-assessment." Creating and Sustaining Innovation,"(3 PD Hrs.) This course will assist the learner in developing the skills to implement a new vision to promote organizational excellence and transformation; develop deep mindfulness of others’ viewpoints and perspectives; provide organizational structures to create and support an innovative culture; and generate knowledge and insight through nontraditional ways to create and sustain innovation for organizational improvement." Creating Developmentally Appropriate Lesson Plans in PreSchool Setting,"(3PD Hrs.) This introductory course will provide teachers with the foundational information needed to create developmentally appropriate lesson plans for preschool children. Participants will be introduced to a framework that includes the following compon" Creating Mentally Healthy Schools,"(2 PD Hrs.) by Tim Dohrer and Tom Golebiewski This course will define mental health and explore ways of supporting mental health in schools among students, staff, and parents. It will also present ways to determine the current state of mental health in your school." Crisis and Emergency Management Planning,"(3 PD Hrs.) Safety expert, Paul Timm, explains how to develop and implement a planning process for a safe learning environment." Cyberbullying: 21st Century Problems and Solutions,"(2 PD Hrs.) By Judy Brunner and Dennis Lewis. Electronic harassment is a problem for students of all ages, and educators often need guidance related to when and how an appropriate intervention should occur." Cyberbullying: 21st Century Problems and Solutions (2023 - 2024),"(2 PD Hrs.) By Judy Brunner and Dennis Lewis. Electronic harassment is a problem for students of all ages, and educators often need guidance related to when and how an appropriate intervention should occur." Cybersecurity for Administrators,"(3 PD hrs.) This course will help administrators understand common cybersecurity threats and appropriate responses. This course will also provide foundational best practices to secure student data. Through this course, you will develop a collection of cyb" Cybersecurity for Administrators,"(3 PD hrs.) This course will help administrators understand common cybersecurity threats and appropriate responses. This course will also provide foundational best practices to secure student data. Through this course, you will develop a collection of cybersecurity resources and policies for your school or district." Cybersecurity for Educators,"(2 PD Hrs.) This course will help educators understand common cybersecurity threats, responses, security tips and will provide foundational best practices to secure student data." Cybersecurity for Educators,"(2 PD Hrs.) This course will help educators understand common cybersecurity threats, responses, security tips and will provide foundational best practices to secure student data." Designing Quality Classroom Assessments,"(4 PD Hrs.) The purpose of this course is to introduce educators to the process of designing quality classroom assessments. Guidelines for designing selected response, written response, performance assessment, and personal communication methods will be discussed." Designing Quality Rubrics,"(2 PD Hrs.) The purpose of this course is to introduce educators to the process of selecting and designing quality rubrics." Discipline@Work,"by Karen Wagnon, Human Behavior Specialist (3 PD Hrs.) In this course, participants will tailor disciplinary strategies to individual temperaments, focusing on proactive approaches that prevent issues, enhance learning, and maintain supportive relationships." Diverse Learners and Differentiating Instruction,"(6 PD Hrs.) By Dr. Joan Rhodes, Virginia Commonwealth University This course covers five sections and gives tips on: 1) Differentiation, 2) Cultural and Linguistic, 3) Special Education, 4) Gifted Learners, and 5) Collaborating with Educational Professionals." Domestic and Family Violence (2023 - 2024),"(3 PD Hrs.) By Kathi Neubert and Denise McCaffrey. This two part course presents: 1) the effects of domestic violence on physical health, mental well-being, students' educational performance; and 2) the impact domestic violence has on children at home, school, educators' role." Dyslexia 101 for Educators Grades 5-12,"(3 PD Hrs.) This online course will guide participants to recognize and identify signs of dyslexia, interpret and analyze research as well as tips and tricks for best practices." Dyslexia 101 for Educators Grades K-4,"(5 PD Hrs.) This online course will guide participants to recognize and identify signs of dyslexia, interpret and analyze research as well as tips and tricks for best practices." E-rate 470 - Overview and Updates,"This non-credit course has been created to provide assistance to districts as they apply and complete the E-rate Form 470." E-rate 471,"This non-credit course has been created to provide assistance to districts as they apply and complete the E-rate Form 471." Effective Conversations,"(3 PD Hrs.) By Rachel Z. Fisher. The participants in this course will interpret how conversations, emotions, motivations, and perceptions with staff will create an environment that can either raise them to higher levels of achievement or push them down" ELN Manager Course,"(0 PD Hrs.) This course will cover all of the manager features that administrators can use within ELN." Embedding an Ethical Work Culture,"(2 PD Hrs.) Embedding an Ethical Work Culture discusses three learning outcomes that help shape our understanding of ethics. The course will establish norms and expectations for ethical behavior, establish routines and processes for the ethical and respon" Empowering a Collaborative Leadership Culture,"(4 PD Hrs.) Presenter, Chad Dumas, shares insights on what it means to build a collaborative leadership culture." Ensuring a Safe Learning Environment,"(4 PD Hrs.) Creating a safe learning environment requires thoughtful and constant attention. This is an environment where its leaders embrace a culture of safety and make it the number one priority." Ensuring Accountability,"(3 PD Hrs.) This course will improve the practitioner’s ability to collaboratively establish clear organizational performance expectations; facilitate development of specific, measurable professional goals; ensure and articulate accountability for achieving performance goals; create a plan with strategies, implementation timelines, evaluation, and monitoring process to establish best practice in ensuring accountability for organizational improvement." Ensuring Curriculum Alignment,"(2 PD Hrs.) In this course, participants will review structures and processes that ensure congruency between curriculum and instruction and effective communication to all stakeholders of the curriculum alignment." Ensuring Instructional Alignment,"(2 PD Hrs.) This course examines the educational leader's role in ensuring alignment of instruction to curriculum and assessment." Establishing a Peer Support Program in Your School (2023 - 2024),"(2 PD Hrs.) Presenters Dr. Tim Dohrer and Dr. Tom Golebiewski explain what peer helping is, outline steps in developing a Peer Helping program, and give advice how to design and develop a successful peer helping program." Ethical Considerations for School Employees,"(2 PD Hrs.) By Brian Schwartz - This workshop fulfils the statutory requirement found in Article 10, Section 22 mandating that every 5 years all school employees complete training on educator ethics and school employee and student relationships." Ethical Considerations for School Employees (2023 - 2024),"(2 PD Hrs.) By Brian Schwartz - This workshop fulfills the statutory requirement found in Article 10, Section 22 mandating that every 2 years all school employees complete a workshop on educator ethics and school employee and student relationships." Evaluating Assessment Alignment,"(3 PD Hrs.) This course will help the educational leader demonstrate the ability to provide structures and processes that ensure congruency between assessment, curricular content, and instructional methods, effectively communicate to stakeholders a clear understanding of the assessment alignment process and its effect on student learning, and create a school environment that is supportive and encouraging to the process of teaching and learning." Evaluating Operational Systems Effectiveness,"(4 PD Hrs.) by Joe Mullikin, Highland Elementary In this course, participants will walk through assessing and monitoring operations, non-fiscal and fiscal resource assessment, evaluation and compliance at federal, state and local level." Exemplifying Collaborative Leadership,"(4 PD Hrs.) Presenter, Chad Dumas, shares insights on what it means to be a collaborative leader." Exemplifying Equitable Behavior,"(3 PD Hrs.) Presented by Dr. Herschel Hannah. This course provides the participant with the skills and knowledge to engage in a critical analysis of personal beliefs and professional behaviors that raise equity self-awareness. Participants will also analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of communication protocols and tools to address all stakeholders in an equitable manner." Exemplifying Ethical Behaviors and Values,"(2 PD Hrs.) Today’s leaders are continuously faced with events (both good and bad) that are part of the school community that you serve. Your personal and professional ethics, values, and morals will be what guides you through your daily work and through your efforts in this course. This course will focus on providing you with the opportunity to review specific strategies, recommendations for improving and/or creating policies and procedures and reflecting on how to exemplify ethical behavior." Feeling Isolated,"(2 PD Hrs.) Dr. Tammy Milby, Virginia Commonwealth University This course will cover 4 sections: 1) Developing a Relationship with a Mentor 2) Teamwork, 3) Professional Renewal, and 4) Coping with Stress." FERPA and ISSRA - Maintenance of Student Records,"(2 PD Hrs.) By Brian Schwartz - This course outlines school districts' obligations concerning the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and the Illinois School Student Records Act which gives parents certain protections concerning their student's records." FERPA and ISSRA - Maintenance of Student Records,"(2 PD Hrs.) By Brian Schwartz - This course outlines school districts' obligations concerning the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and the Illinois School Student Records Act which gives parents certain protections concerning their student's records." FERPA and ISSRA - Maintenance of Student Records (2023 - 2024),"(2 PD Hrs.) By Brian Schwartz - This course outlines school districts' obligations concerning the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and the Illinois School Student Records Act which gives parents certain protections concerning their student's records." Focusing on ADD and ADHD (2023 - 2024),"(2 PD Hrs.) By Michele Carmichael and Julie Evans. This course will differentiate between issues common to ADD and ADHD, issues not considered ADD and ADHD and provide educators with practical strategies, tools and ideas for a successful student learning." Focusing on ADHD,"(1 PD Hr.) ADHD stands for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. It is a neurodevelopmental disorder that primarily affects children but can persist into adolescence and adulthood. ADHD is characterized by a pattern of symptoms related to attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. This course will review the characteristics, types of treatment, and classroom environment." Fostering a Data Literacy Culture,"(3 PD Hrs.) Presented by Dr. Lynda Andre. This Fostering Data Literacy course will provide participants research-based information focused on developing a commitment to continuous improvement at all organizational levels based on data." Giving Effective - High Quality Feedback,"(2 PD Hrs.) Feedback is an objective and targeted description of a student or teacher’s work intended to guide future work. The presenter will describe effective, high-quality feedback and will summarize the purpose of giving feedback and its impact on s" HIV and AIDS (2023 - 2024),"(1 PD Hrs) Presenter Martha Peebles - This course covers four sections: 1)HIV Definition and Transmission; 2) HIV Signs and Symptoms; 3) Risk Factors and Education; 4) Parent and Student Rights; gives insight into policies and procedures for staff and student safety." How to Save a Life: Preparing for a Heart Emergency at Your School,"(3 PD Hrs.) While it is required for high school students to be trained in CPR/AED, there is not a requirement for teachers or staff to receive training. This course is designed for administrators after a life-altering experience happened at an Illinois school district." Illinois Accountability Plan,"(3 PD Hrs.) Dr. Diana Zaleski, Illinois Education Association. The purpose of this course is to provide educators with an overview of Illinois’ accountability plan under the Every Student Succeeds Act. This course will be updated as changes are made to th" Illinois Recommended Training,"This program contains all of the Recommended trainings for educators in the state of Illinois." Illinois State Mandated Training (Certified Staff),"This program contains the state mandated training for Certified Staff in the State of Illinois." Illinois State Mandated Training (Non-Certified Staff),"This program contains the state mandated training for Non-Certified Staff in the State of Illinois." Illinois State Mandated Training (Nurses),"This program contains the state mandated training requirements for nurses in the state of Illinois." Implementing Social and Emotional Wellness,"(PD Hrs. 2) This course will enable the practitioner to obtain the ability to cultivate a commitment to and support for social and emotional wellness, establish systems for self-assessment and data collection on student, staff, and community wellness, to identify needs and wellness resources, and to establish classroom, schoolwide, and community social and emotional (SEL) programs." Internet Safety - Digital Citizenship,"(3 PD Hrs.) This self-paced, online course guides educators through the risks children face online, key lessons to teach, and which resources can be used to best teach digital citizenship at any grade. This course will cover the issues of: Digital Etiquette, Digital Online Privacy, Being a Smart Online Digital Researcher, Recognize and Report Cyber Threats." Introduction to Assessment Literacy,"(3 PD Hrs.) By Laura Beltchenko. The National Council on Measurement in Education, American Federation of Teachers, and National Education Association collaboratively developed the Standards for Teacher Competence in Educational Assessment of Students." Introduction to Cultural Competency,"(2 PD Hrs.) By Sherri Jones, Equity Organizer, Illinois Education Association. This course is designed as an introduction to cultural competency. Cultural competency involves learning, communicating, and connecting respectfully with others regardless of differences. Culture can refer to an individual’s race, class, gender, sexual orientation, religion, immigration status, or age. All of these factors strongly influence people’s lives and experiences. Educators, regardless of background or identity, must bring both cultural understanding and self-awareness to their work." Introduction to Domestic Violence and Its Impact on Children,"(1 PD Hr.) Children who witness domestic violence or are victims of abuse themselves are at serious risk for long-term physical and mental health problems. Participants is this course will learn and apply strategies/activities recognizing domestic violence, the myths, barriers and different types of abuse that may be present in domestic relationships." Journey Toward Anti-Racist Education,"(5 PD Hrs.) “In a racist society, it is not enough to be non-racist, we must be anti-racist.” Angela Y. Davis" Leadership Coaching,"By P.J. Caposey (5 PD Hrs.) In this course, participants will recognize the different coaching approaches that engage collegial, trusting, reflective relationships to address, communicate and analyze leadership issues or initiatives." Leadership for Global Mindedness,"(4 PD Hrs.) Educational leaders can purposefully shape their school's culture by emphasizing the value of empathy and celebrating diverse perspectives from within and outside the school community. Through this leadership course, the practitioner demonstrates the ability to lead and embed and exemplify a global minded culture." Leadership@Work Part I - Becoming a Dynamic and Effective Leader,"(3 PD Hrs.)By Karen Wagnon - Improve your personal intelligence! Becoming a dynamic and effective leader is about understanding behaviors and leadership styles. This course offers you vital insights towards becoming a greater leader." Leadership@Work Part II - Understanding Needs and Drives to Become a More Effective Leader,"(3 PD Hrs.) By Karen Wagon. In this course, the participants will have an understanding and distinguish the difference between ”internal needs' and 'external drives' necessary to become a more effective leader." Leading Data Literacy,"(3 PD Hrs.) By Dr. Lynda Andre - This Leading Data Literacy course will provide participants with research-based information focused on developing a commitment to continuous improvement at all organizational levels based on data." Leading Data-Driven Decision Making,"(2 PD Hrs) Data-driven decision-making involves the collection, analysis, and use of data to guide decisions that drive continuous improvement. Data-driven decision-making is used to shape instructional practices in the classroom as well as broader school-wide practices. This course presents the skills educators must develop to maintain a school environment that embraces data-driven decision-making." Leading Strategic Management,"(3 PD Hrs.) This course provides insights into what it means to exhibit leadership for strategic management. It will assist you in considering how you will implement a plan that will improve your practice in strategic management leadership." Leading Teaching and Learning - Student Engagement,"(2 PD Hrs.) By Gail Huizinga - This course supports school leaders' development of stronger evaluation skills in recognizing intellectual student engagement in the classroom." Leading Teaching and Learning: Effective Classroom Discussions,"(3 PD Hrs.) By Gail Huzinga. This course strengthens a school leader’s ability to analyze and evaluate effective classroom discussions and discussion techniques used to facilitate a collaborative classroom culture. Participants will develop the knowledge and skills to lead and support high-quality discourse necessary in teaching and learning excellence." Leading Teaching and Learning: Facilitating Outcome-Based Conversations,"(3 PD Hrs.) By Gail Huzinga. This course will strengthen a school leader’s ability to facilitate conversations with staff in order to nurture professional growth. Participants will analyze the impact and influence such conversations have on instruction as well as investigate the skills necessary to lead outcome-based discussions effectively." Leading Teaching and Learning: High-Quality Questioning,"(4 PD Hrs.) By Gail Huizinga - This course strengthens a school leader’s ability to analyze and evaluate effective questions and questioning techniques designed to deepen student thinking and learning." Leading Teaching and Learning: Highly-Effective Instruction,"(3 PD Hrs.) By Gail Huizinga - This course supports school leaders’ understanding and recognition of the instructional shifts present in highly effective classrooms." Leading Vision and Mission,"(3 PD Hrs.) In Leading Vision and Mission, the practitioner will gain the skills and knowledge to: utilize inquiry and research to evaluate and develop vision and mission to ensure peak performance within a school and facilitate a collaborative process with stakeholders to define and articulate vision and mission. Presented by Gina Fulton." Learning Standards in Action - ELA,"Classroom Voices is a video series which covers the Illinois Learning Standards and their best practices implementation into the classroom. All videos related to ELA standards will be presented in this course for viewing." Learning Standards in Action - Math,"Classroom Voices is a video series which covers the Illinois Learning Standards and their best practices implementation into the classroom. All videos related to mathematics standards will be presented in this course for viewing." Learning Standards in Action - Science,"Classroom Voices is a video series which covers the Illinois Learning Standards and their best practices implementation into the classroom. All videos related to the Next Generation Science Standards will be presented in this course for viewing." Learning Standards in Action - Social Studies,"Classroom Voices is a video series which covers the Illinois Learning Standards and their best practices implementation into the classroom. All videos related to the social studies standards will be presented in this course for viewing." Lights in the Mirror - How to Conduct Yourself During a Traffic Stop,"(0 PD Hrs.) This video will cover how to conduct yourself during a traffic stop by the police." Managing Change and Uncertainty,"(3 PD Hrs.) This course will assist the learner in developing skills that include the ability to generate a vision that begins the process of change in a sustainable, meaningful, and human-centered way; develop stakeholder acceptance of change; and identify priorities to begin building organizational change capacity." Managing Data Literacy Systems,"(3 PD Hrs.) In the Managing Data Literacy Systems course, the participant will learn skills to provide tools and processes for the ongoing monitoring, analysis, and ease of use of data; ensure system capacity meets identified and future needs for effectiv" Managing Systems Logistics,"(4 PD Hrs.) In the course, participants will review the overseeing of physical building operations, aligning and leveraging system processes, managing fiscal and non-fiscal resources, and ensuring staff compliance." Mandated Reporter Training,"(0 PD Hrs.) By Department of Child and Family Services. The purpose of this online course is to help all Illinois Mandated Reporters understand their critical role in protecting children by recognizing and reporting child abuse." Mandated Reporter Training (2023 - 2024),"(0 PD Hrs.) By Department of Child and Family Services. The purpose of this online course is to help all Illinois Mandated Reporters understand their critical role in protecting children by recognizing and reporting child abuse." McKinney-Vento Act for Homeless Students,"(1 PD Hrs.) Before schools can be certain they are complying with the legislation related to education students experiencing homelessness, they must understand there are laws that protect the educational rights of homeless children. In this course participants will learn that state and federal law on rights of students experiencing homelessness as well as signs of homelessness and housing insecurity." McKinney-Vento Act for Homeless Students (2023-2024),"(1 PD Hrs.) Before schools can be certain they are complying with the legislation related to education students experiencing homelessness, they must understand there are laws that protect the educational rights of homeless children. In this course participants will learn that state and federal law on rights of students experiencing homelessness as well as signs of homelessness and housing insecurity." Measuring Student Growth,"(3 PD Hrs.) By Dr. Diana Zaleski, Illinois Education Association. The purpose of measuring student’s academic growth is to immediately inform the instructional process in order to increase student learning and close achievement gaps. This course helps edu" Meeting All Academic Needs,"(2 PD Hrs.) In this course, the participant will examine the structures and processes that ensure congruency between curriculum content, instructional methods, and assessment to meet all academic needs." Mental Health and School Violence,"(0 PD hrs.) This Illinois Terrorism Task Force video discusses how various school districts in Illinois are providing mental health services to students, and the role this plays in a school violence prevention plan." Mental Health and Suicide Prevention,"(1 PD Hr.) by Dr. Jonathan B. Singer, Ph.D. LCSW -- One of the most important causes of suicide is mental illness. This course will define mental illness and provides its relationship to suicide and how to assist suicidal students." Mental Health and Suicide Prevention (2023 - 2024),"(1 PD Hr.) by Dr. Jonathan B. Singer, Ph.D. LCSW -- One of the most important causes of suicide is mental illness. This course will define mental illness and provides its relationship to suicide and how to assist suicidal students." Needs of Expecting and Parenting Youth,"(1 PD Hr.) In this course, participants will acknowledge and implement a supportive approach for pregnant and parenting youth that emphasizes healing and resilience, aiming to nurture and empower them to thrive despite challenges." Non-Certified Staff Working with IEP Students,"(1 PD Hrs.) This course covers the laws and regulation concerning the policies and guidelines districts must follow concerning supervising and training non-certified personnel and volunteers who will be working with students with IEPs." Non-Certified Staff Working with IEP Students (2023 - 2024),"(1 PD Hrs.) This course covers the laws and regulation concerning the policies and guidelines districts must follow concerning supervising and training non-certified personnel and volunteers who will be working with students with IEPs." Nurturing a Culture of Wellness,"(2 PD Hrs.) This course will allow participants to Create a collaborative framework to support a culture of wellness, foster a culture of wellness through school vision, mission, values, conversations, and activities, and promote a culture that supports social, emotional, and physical wellness for all stakeholders." Nutrition Training (Civil Rights),"(0 PD Hr.) This course includes a section on definitions, an overview of important terminologies, and some background information on where the current civil rights requirements came from." Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy - Coaching Tools,"(2 PD Hrs.) By Martha Morris, College Board. This course describes the Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy Coach Tools, how to access them, and how to use them to support students." Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy - Introduction,"(2 PD Hrs.) By Martha Morris, College Board. This course explains how educators can use Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy to support students as they build their college and career readiness skills." Opioid Curriculum for Elementary Educators,"(3Hrs) From Drug Enforcement Administration and Discovery Education. Opioid abuse and deaths among youth have sky-rocketed. States and school districts are including drug prevention awareness within the K-12 curriculum. Contained within this course are sa" Opioid Overdose Management in the School Environment,"(2 PD Hrs.) Presented by James Reimer, Jessica L. Kerr, and Garth K. Reynolds. This course covers the Illinois Public Act 99-0480 which allows trained school personnel to administer an opioid-blocking medication to a person having an opioid overdose while in school or at a school-sponsored activity." Opioid Overdose Management in the School Environment (2023 - 2024),"(2 PD Hrs.) Presented by James Reimer, Jessica L. Kerr, and Garth K. Reynolds. This course covers the Illinois Public Act 99-0480 which allows trained school personnel to administer an opioid-blocking medication to a person having an opioid overdose while in school or at a school-sponsored activity." Paraprofessional Training & Resources,"This informational service has been created for paraprofessionals. The intent of this ELN service is to be used as a resource, not as a strict set of “rules” that must be followed. These videos, websites and documents allow districts locally to collaborate, practice and calibrate paraprofessional resources for face to face and online support. NOTE: Training time will vary - PD hrs awarded locally. © Ed Leaders Network" Parent Communication,"(2 PD Hrs.) Dr. Bill Bosher, Virginia Commonwealth University. This course will cover four sections: 1. Academic Achievement 2. Positive Parental Engagement 3. Teacher Preparation 4. Teacher to Parent Communication and provides educators with strategies that can be used to promote home and community support." Personalized Professional Development,"(5 PD Hrs.) By Adam Geisen and Mike Wielgus, Triad CUSD #2. This course guides the participant in creating a personalized professional development planning model driven by an analysis of available data and the interests/needs of the professional staff. I" PLC's Part I - Laying the Foundation for Student Achievement,"(4 PD Hrs.) By Sue Workman - This course provides an overview of the foundations of Professional Learning Communities. Participants can examine the current realities of their school/district in order to assess their readiness to implement or improve PLC p" PLC's Part II - Building the Structure to Support Student Achievement,"(4 PD Hrs.) By Sue Workman - This course is designed with the principal in mind. It is intended to help the principal or other school leaders to assess the current culture and work of teams, and provide tools and procedures to move forward with PLC imple" Proactive Paraprofessional,"(2 PD Hrs.) Participants in this course will examine, identify and analyze the roles and responsibilities of an effective paraprofessional and will utilize instructional strategies and assess behavioral strategies and/or activities that provide support to paraprofessionals in the classroom setting." Promoting Collaborative Instruction,"(2 PD Hrs.) This course examines the importance of collaboration in providing effective instruction." Providing Effective Instruction,"(2 PD Hrs.) This course examines the components of effective instruction, and how leadership can support its implementation." PSAT 10: Checking College and Career Readiness,"(3 PD Hrs.) By Martha Morris, College Board This course will review the knowledge and skills assessed on the PSAT 10, and compare them with content assessed on the SAT. Upon completion participants will be able to review the data with students and colleag" PSAT 8/9: Checking College and Career Readiness,"(3 PD Hrs.) By Martha Morris, College Board. This course will review the knowledge and skills assessed on the PSAT 8/9 and compare them with content assessed on the SAT. Upon completion participants will be able to review the data with students and colle" Putting the C in PLC: Starting with Relationships,"(4 PD Hrs.) Participants will understand the Ten Elements of Principal Knowledge needed to create a collaborative culture. The five sections will define and apply the principles of effective dialogue and reflect on usage, identify and apply effective elements of being in rapport, plan and utilize the 3+1 to build and sustain effective relationships, and evaluate and implement practices based on what you have learned." Recruiting High Quality Staff,"(3 PD Hrs.) This course will assist the practitioner to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to establish effective local partnerships; identify and recruit high quality staff; and utilize a collaborative, research-based process for selecting, interviewing and evaluating candidates." Reporting Guidance Overview: Site-Based Expenditure Reporting,"(0 PD hrs.)This video will explore Site-Based Expenditure Reporting as defined within the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)." Restorative Practices - Academic Circles,"(4 PD Hrs.) By Judy Brunner. This course will demonstrate elementary, middle, and high school students and teachers implementing academic circles. These circles (meetings) may be used for content delivery, problem-solving with feedback for the students to the teacher." Restorative Practices - Counseling Circles,"(4 PD Hrs.) By Judy Brunner - This course shares the origin, procedures, benefits, and emphasis of restorative practices using counseling circles. Participants will be able to differentiate between traditional and restorative discipline practices." Restorative Practices - Extracurricular Circles,"(2 PD Hrs.) This course will demonstrate the use of restorative circles with a student government organization and a cheerleading team as both groups set goals and work through problems and conflict resolution." Results Oriented Teaching and Learning,"(2 PD Hrs) A results-oriented culture is an environment in which everyone is accountable for the personal and collective growth of all members of the learning community. This course covers the skills necessary to: create trusting and collaborative relati" Retaining and Developing Staff,"(3 PD Hrs.) This course will build the practitioner’s ability to foster a professional culture that creates trust and promotes adult learning, risk taking, and collaboration; engage teachers to collaboratively design and implement a program of professional learning; ensure teachers and staff continually develop and deepen the knowledge and skills needed to address the continually changing needs of the school community; and provide a plan with strategies, implementation timelines, evaluation, and monitoring process to establish best practice in retaining and developing staff for organizational improvement." Roadblocks,"(2 PD Hrs.) By Dr. Joan Rhodes, UVC. This course discusses roadblocks in the workplace and identifies strategies for overcoming those roadblocks. In addition, this course also provides strategies for dealing with difficult people in the workplace." Role of the School Nurse in the IEP Process,"(0.5 PD Hrs.) By Martha Peebles - This course outlines school nurse’s role in the Individualized Education Plans (IEP) process using video scenarios and reflective activities." Role of the School Nurse in the IEP Process (2023 - 2024),"(0.5 PD Hrs.) By Martha Peebles - This course outlines school nurse’s role in the Individualized Education Plans (IEP) process using video scenarios and reflective activities." SAT Suite of Assessments - History/Social Studies,"(2 PD Hrs.) By Martha Morris, College Board. This is a course that explores the Analysis in History/Social Studies cross-test score on the SAT Suite of Assessments. This course will identify the knowledge and skills assessed on the SAT that relate to hi" SAT Suite of Assessments - Math,"(3 PD Hrs.) By Martha Morris, College Board. This is a deep-dive into the Math Section of the SAT Suite of Assessments. Participants will review test specifications, sample questions, and explore instructional strategies to build student skills." SAT Suite of Assessments - Overview,"(2 PD Hrs.) By Martha Morris, College Board. This is an introduction to the SAT Suite of Assessments. Learn about the knowledge and skills assessed, scores, and benefits of the Suite." SAT Suite of Assessments - Science,"(3 PD Hrs.) By Martha Morris, College Board. This is a course that explores the Analysis in Science cross-test score on the SAT Suite of Assessments. The course will identify the knowledge and skills assessed on the SAT that relate to science, review sample questions, and consider instructional strategies to build student skills." SAT Suite of Assessments - Using Scores and Reports to Inform Instruction,"(2 PD Hrs) By Martha Morris, College Board. This course describes the scores and reports available in the K-12 Score Reporting Portal and suggests how to use the reports to improve student outcomes." SAT Suite of Assessments-Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (ERW),"(2 PD Hrs.) By Martha Morris, College Board. This is a deep-dive into the Evidence-Based Reading and Writing Section of the SAT Suite of Assessments. Review test specifications, sample questions and explore instructional strategies to build student skill" Seizures,"(1 PD Hrs.) By Ayesha Akhtar In this mandated course, participants will be introduced to the many types of seizures, what triggers seizures, medication, and treatment options. Participants will demonstrate knowledge of the Seizure Action Plan under Section 504 as outlined in Illinois Public Act 101-0050." Seizures - IL Public Act 101-0050,"(0 PD Hrs) By Ayesha Akhtar In this mandated course, participants will be introduced to the many types of seizures, what triggers seizures, medication, and treatment options. Participants will demonstrate knowledge of the Seizure Action Plan under Section 504 as outlined in Illinois Public Act 101-0050." Seizures - IL Public Act 101-0050 (2023-2024),"(1 PD Hrs.) By Ayesha Akhtar In this mandated course, participants will be introduced to the many types of seizures, what triggers seizures, medication, and treatment options. Participants will demonstrate knowledge of the Seizure Action Plan under Section 504 as outlined in Illinois Public Act 101-0050." Self-Reflection and Growth,"(4 PD Hrs.) Self-reflection is looking into a mirror and describing what you see. It is a way of assessing yourself, your ways of working and how you study. Participants will focus on self-reflection and fostering stakeholders on continuing their leadership journey." SLO Process for Measuring Student Learning,"(3 PD Hrs.) By Deb Greaney. This course provides a definition, benefits, and an overview of the SLO process, and the role an SLO can play as part of a teacher evaluation framework." Social Emotional Learning: What - Why - and How,"(1 PD Hr.) In this course, participants will apply the definitions of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and how the Illinois SEL Standards are arranged, articulating the importance of incorporating SEL in the classroom." Sports Concussion and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury,"(1 PD Hrs.) By Kurt Gibson, Nicole Schaefbauer, and Philicia Deckard. This presentation by IHSA, IESA, and the Brain Injury Association of Illinois will address concussion management as required by the Youth Sports Concussion Safety Act." Sports Concussion and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (2023 - 2024),"(1 PD Hrs.) By Kurt Gibson, Nicole Schaefbauer, and Philicia Deckard. This presentation by IHSA, IESA, and the Brain Injury Association of Illinois will address concussion management as required by the Youth Sports Concussion Safety Act." Stop the Bleed: Responding to Life-Threatening Bleeding,"(0 PD Hrs.) This course covers how to respond to an incident involving life-threatening bleeding. It was developed by the American College of Surgeons and meets the criteria for the state mandate in Illinois." Stop the Bleed: Responding to Life-Threatening Bleeding (2023-2024),"(0 PD Hrs.) This course covers how to respond to an incident involving life-threatening bleeding. It was developed by the American College of Surgeons and meets the criteria for the state mandate in Illinois." Strategic Planning: Building a District Improvement Plan,"(2 PD Hrs.) Strategic planning is the process of setting goals, deciding on actions to achieve those goals and mobilizing the resources needed to take those actions. In this course participants will outline the strategic planning process for their school" Structuring Systems for Strategic Management,"(3 PD Hrs.) This course provides insights on what it means to structure systems for strategic management. It will assist you in considering how you will implement a plan that will improve your practice in structuring systems for strategic management." Student Centeredness,"(3 PD Hrs) This course will enable participants to demonstrate best practices, behaviors, and the ability to implement effective student-centeredness approaches and policies. Presented by Gina Hopper Fulton." Study Skills Integrated & Aligned to Learning Styles,"(2 PD Hrs.) Participants in this course will compare and contrast study skills for the three common learning styles (visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners); produce and integrate these strategies/activities that are best for each type of learner." Sustaining an Equitable Learning Culture,"(4 PD Hrs.) Presented by Dr Herschel Hannah This course provides the knowledge and skills an educational leader needs to construct and sustain an equitable learning environment for all students." Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos HS Social Studies,"(Pd Hrs. Awarded Locally) The Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos are a collection of professionally created videos of classrooms instruction that allow educators locally to collaborate, practice and calibrate teacher evaluation. Training time will vary" Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos Grade 1,"(Pd Hrs. Awarded Locally) The Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos are a collection of professionally created videos of classrooms instruction that allow educators locally to collaborate, practice and calibrate teacher evaluation. Training time will vary" Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos Grade 2,"(Pd Hrs. Awarded Locally) The Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos are a collection of professionally created videos of classrooms instruction that allows educators locally to collaborate, practice and calibrate teacher evaluation. Training time will var" Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos Grade 3,"(Pd Hrs. Awarded Locally) The Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos are a collection of professionally created videos of classrooms instruction that allows educators locally to collaborate, practice and calibrate teacher evaluation. Training time will var" Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos Grade 4 ELA/Reading,"(Pd Hrs. Awarded Locally) The Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos are a collection of professionally created videos of classrooms instruction that allows educators locally to collaborate, practice and calibrate teacher evaluation. Training time will var" Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos Grade 4 Mathematics,"(Pd Hrs. Awarded Locally) The Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos are a collection of professionally created videos of classrooms instruction that allows educators locally to collaborate, practice and calibrate teacher evaluation. Training time will var" Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos Grade 4 Science,"(Pd Hrs. Awarded Locally) The Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos are a collection of professionally created videos of classrooms instruction that allows educators locally to collaborate, practice and calibrate teacher evaluation. Training time will var" Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos Grade 6,"(Pd Hrs. Awarded Locally) The Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos are a collection of professionally created videos of classrooms instruction that allows educators locally to collaborate, practice and calibrate teacher evaluation. Training time will var" Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos Grade 7,"(Pd Hrs. Awarded Locally) The Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos are a collection of professionally created videos of classrooms instruction that allows educators locally to collaborate, practice and calibrate teacher evaluation. Training time will vary - PD hrs awarded locally." Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos Grade K,"(Pd Hrs. Awarded Locally) The Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos are a collection of professionally created videos of classrooms instruction that allow educators locally to collaborate, practice and calibrate teacher evaluation. Training time will vary" Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos HS ELA/Reading,"(Pd Hrs. Awarded Locally) The Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos are a collection of professionally created videos of classrooms instruction that allows educators locally to collaborate, practice and calibrate teacher evaluation. Training time will var" Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos HS Mathematics,"(Pd Hrs. Awarded Locally) The Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos are a collection of professionally created videos of classrooms instruction that allows educators locally to collaborate, practice and calibrate teacher evaluation. Training time will var" Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos HS Science,"(Pd Hrs. Awarded Locally) The Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos are a collection of professionally created videos of classrooms instruction that allows educators locally to collaborate, practice and calibrate teacher evaluation. Training time will var" Teaching Strategies and Practices,"(6 PD Hrs.) Dr. Tammy Milby, Virginia Commonwealth University. This course will cover four sections: 1) Engagement 2) Questioning 3) Learning Formats 4) Feedback and will provide educators with practical classroom instructional strategies, tools, and ideas." Teen Dating Violence,"(2 PD Hrs.) Teen dating violence is a serious and widespread issue that encompasses various forms of abusive behavior within romantic relationships among adolescents. In this course, participants understand and identify the warning signs of a person experiencing abuse and the impact of dating violence. It will also explore the role of the school and bystanders that may be able to help reduce dating violence. " Teen Dating Violence (2023 - 2024),"(2 PD Hrs.) By Dr. Terry Lilley. This course will include two sections: 1) Teen Dating Violence and Abusive Relationships; and 2) Responding to Teen Dating Violence and Abusive Relationships." The Art and Science of Communication for School Leaders,"(4 PD Hrs.) Presented by Dr. P.J. Caposey- Superintendent MCUSD 223 This course is designed to build knowledge and skills in effective communication. Participants will assess present skills and develop a plan for improvement. Processes, structures, and mechanisms to engage all stakeholders will be reviewed. Finally, participants will examine current organizational behaviors and communication standards for effectiveness." Time Management for Teachers,"(4 PD Hrs.) Dr. Loraine Stewart. This course introduces the participant to techniques that help with personal organization of schedules, setting of priorities, and carrying out goals related to teaching." Title IX Sexual Harassment,"(2 PD Hrs.) This course will cover 4 sections: 1) Understand the Federal definitions of sexual harassment and be able to identify sexual harassment, 2) Understand and identify reporting duties and other responsibilities an employee may have during the process, 3) Understand and apply the guidelines set forth in your district’s Anti-Sexual Harassment Policy and 4) Recognize inappropriate teacher-student interactions and model proper teacher-student interactions." Title IX Sexual Harassment Mandated Training (2023-2024),"(2 PD Hrs.) This course will cover 4 sections: 1) Understand the Federal definitions of sexual harassment and be able to identify sexual harassment, 2) Understand and identify reporting duties and other responsibilities an employee may have during the process, 3) Understand and apply the guidelines set forth in your district’s Anti-Sexual Harassment Policy and 4) Recognize inappropriate teacher-student interactions and model proper teacher-student interactions." Traditions and Celebrations,"(2 PD Hrs.) by Tiffany Barrett, IASP. Promoting and building a culture of tolerance in schools can be a daunting task; however, it begins with the educational leader facilitating and modeling openness, respect, and freedom of thought. Participants in this course will create strategies, timelines, evaluation, and progress monitoring to establish, promote, and sustain effective practices related to traditions and celebrations." Transforming Lessons and Learning Through Technology Integration,"(3 PD Hrs.) By Aida Awad. This course will guide classroom educators as they journey along a pathway toward implementing SAMR levels and 21st Century Skills into an instructional technology integrated lesson." Trauma-Informed Practices,"(2 PD Hrs.) Presented by Tim Dohrer and Thomas Golebiewski. This course covers the comprehensive understanding of trauma, including its definition, effects on the brain and body, strategies for developing trauma-sensitive classrooms and schools, trauma-informed teaching practices, and fostering a healing-centered approach within the broader school community." Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences,"(2 PD Hrs.) Dr. Diana Zaleski, Illinois Education Association. This course introduces educators to Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and explains the impact these traumatic experiences have on health and behavioral outcomes for children. The course also identifies appropriate health and behavioral interventions educators might advocate for within their schools and community." Understanding Child Sexual Abuse and Your Responsibility to Report,"(2 PD Hrs.) A child cannot consent to any form of sexual activity, period. When a perpetrator engages with a child this way, they are committing a crime that can have lasting effects on the victim. This course outlines your responsibility as an educator to report child sexual abuse, Section 10-23.13 and Grooming." Understanding Child Sexual Abuse and Your Responsibility to Report (2023 - 2024),"(1 PD Hrs.) A child cannot consent to any form of sexual activity, period. When a perpetrator engages with a child this way, they are committing a crime that can have lasting effects on the victim. This course outlines your responsibility as an educator to report child sexual abuse." Understanding Mindset,"(2 PD Hrs.) By Dr. Diana Zaleski, Illinois Education Association. This course is designed to help educators understand the concept of mindset and how it relates to student achievement. In addition, this course will discuss strategies to support students’" Understanding SB100 and Student Discipline,"(2 PD Hrs.) By Dr. Diana Zaleski. This is an introductory course designed to help educators understand the implications of Illinois Senate Bill 100 (Public Act 099-0456) on local discipline policy and practices. Dr. Diana Zaleski will describe non-exclusionary alternatives to out-of-school suspension and expulsion." Understanding SB100 and Student Discipline (2023 - 2024),"(2 PD Hrs.) By Dr. Diana Zaleski. This is an introductory course designed to help educators understand the implications of Illinois Senate Bill 100 (Public Act 099-0456) on local discipline policy and practices. Dr. Diana Zaleski will describe non-exclusionary alternatives to out-of-school suspension and expulsion." Unmotivated Students,"(2 PD Hrs.) By Dr. Loraine Stewart, Virginia Commonwealth University. This course will cover three sections: 1) Motivating From the Inside Out, 2) Overcoming the Myths of Motivation, 3) Motivating Classroom; and will provide educators with practical clas" Using SAT Data to Inform Improvement,"(3 PD Hrs.) By Deb Greaney. This course provides an overview of the types and uses of data from the SAT K-12 Reporting Portal. Processes for examining that data and making reliable, informed decisions to guide school improvement and accountability, curr" Vaping,"(2 PD Hrs.) This course provides an education on electronic nicotine delivery systems or ENDS, also known as vapes. Participants will review emerging trends in adolescents who use these devices and have the opportunity to expand discussions associated with the negative health consequences of vapes." Violence Prevention and Conflict Resolution,"(2 PD Hrs.) This mandated course equips participants with the skills to recognize and identify signs of conflict, understand various conflict types, identify types of violence, respond effectively to threats, comprehend conflict resolution at three-tier levels, and devise strategies for input on district plans, policies, and staff professional development in violence prevention and conflict resolution."