The use of Chat GPT or other AI assistant or AI generated content to complete Micro-Credential narratives is strictly prohibited. The submission of work that is not your own original content is considered plagiarism. The Ed Leaders Network (ELN) will use AI detection software and other available tools to determine if an individual used AI or plagiarized their work. Individuals who are determined to have violated this policy will be contacted in writing and given an opportunity to respond. All decisions of ELN are final and cannot be appealed.
If it is determined that an individual used AI or submitted plagiarized work in violation of this policy, the individual will be removed from the course and must repurchase the course and resubmit acceptable work in order to receive credit. A second violation of this policy will result in an individual’s inability to take Micro-Credential courses for one year. A third violation will result in permanent removal from the Micro-Credential program.
If an individual is taking a Micro-Credential course for university credit, ELN reserves the right to notify the individual’s university of violations of this policy.