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Leading Vision and Mission

Overview – In Leading Vision and mission, the practitioner demonstrates their skills to utilize inquiry and research to evaluate and develop vision and mission to ensure peak performance within a school; facilitate a collaborative process with stakeholders to define and articulate vision and mission; and provides a plan with strategies, implementation timelines, responsibilities, monitoring process, and evaluation for leading stakeholders in the creation of a sustainable vision and mission. These skills are imperative to establish collaborative conversations with stakeholders for “articulating a clear vision and mission and emphasizing results to ensure that they meet each student’s needs” (NASSP, 2018, p. 123).

Essential OutcomesLeading Vision and Mission identifies the following three essential outcomes:

  1. Utilize inquiry and research to evaluate and develop vision and mission for peak performance in a school.
  2. Facilitate a collaborative process with stakeholders to define and articulate vision and mission.
  3. Provide a plan with strategies, implementation timelines, responsibilities, monitoring process, and evaluation for leading stakeholders in the creation of a sustainable vision and mission.


Part 1 – Overview Questions

Develop a responsive narrative that answers the following questions (1,000-word minimum):

  1. What steps did you take to plan, research, develop, and implement a vision and mission for your organization?
  2. How did you go about involving stakeholders and what stakeholders did you involve in the process?
  3. What steps are planned to effectively communicate the school’s mission and vision?
  4. What is your plan to sustain the school’s mission and vision and make it a valuable piece of the culture and climate?

Part 2 – Skill Demonstration Product with Self-Analysis

Develop an artifact portfolio that captures the essential outcomes for the Leading Vision and Mission Micro-Credential and complete the evidence self-analysis.

For each EO detail you will be required to reference an uploaded artifact(s) and guide the assessor to the specific evidence (page number, video time stamp, etc.) within the uploaded artifact(s). An explanation of how the evidence demonstrates proficiency of the outcome detail is also required. The practitioner must clearly and compellingly demonstrate proficiency of every detail under each essential outcome.

Part 3 – Reflection and Application

Submit, in writing, a summary of your experience of Leading Vision and Mission (500-word minimum) to highlight and provide specific examples of how you applied all of the essential components and details of Leading Vision and Mission. This could include topics covered and how you supported the school leader and worked directly to develop a plan to improve. Include a reflection about the impact of this skill on your professional practice and how you will continue to apply it in the future.

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1. If you are a current ELN user, verify your account.
2. If you do not have an ELN account, create one.
3. Purchase the Micro-Credential of Your Choice.
4. Check your email for access to the Micro-Credential portal (allow two business days).

An ELN subscription is included when you purchase a Micro-Credential.
Contact if you have any problems purchasing a Micro-Credential.

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