Available to all public school educators at no cost, ELN courses provide high-quality, on-demand content on the ELN platform. Don’t have access? Go here.
(2 PD Hrs.) Visionary leaders build a group vision as a guide for making all decisions. They model visionary behavior because they believe vision is contagious.
(2 PD Hrs.) Analytic leaders possess the ability to adopt a data-driven analytic approach to decision-making, promote the ability of other educators to influence the learning environment based on data and implement effective systems to expedite the...
(2 PD Hrs.) Articulate leaders adhere to high standards and exhibit a proficiency to clearly convey and promote the mission, vision, and direction of the school while conveying intentions, roles, and responsibilities to all stakeholders.
(2 PD Hrs.) Embedding an Ethical Work Culture discusses three learning outcomes that help shape our understanding of ethics. The course will establish norms and expectations for ethical behavior, establish routines and processes for the ethical and respon
(3 PD Hrs.) In Leading Vision and Mission, the practitioner will gain the skills and knowledge to: utilize inquiry and research to evaluate and develop vision and mission to ensure peak performance within a school and facilitate a collaborative process...
PLC's Part I - Laying the Foundation for Student Achievement
(4 PD Hrs.) By Sue Workman - This course provides an overview of the foundations of Professional Learning Communities. Participants can examine the current realities of their school/district in order to assess their readiness to implement or improve PLC p
Strategic Planning: Building a District Improvement Plan
(2 PD Hrs.) Strategic planning is the process of setting goals, deciding on actions to achieve those goals and mobilizing the resources needed to take those actions.
(3 PD Hrs.) By Deb Greaney. This course provides an overview of the types and uses of data from the SAT K-12 Reporting Portal. Processes for examining that data and making reliable, informed decisions to guide school improvement and accountability, curr
These skills assessments on the ELN platform allow you to showcase your leadership effectiveness as a school leader, earning Admin Academy Credit and recognition on your Professional Educator License.