Available to all public school educators at no cost, ELN courses provide high-quality, on-demand content on the ELN platform. Don’t have access? Go here.
Americans with Disabilities Act in the School Environment (2023 - 2024)
(3 PD Hrs) by Rachel M. Weisberg from Equip for Equality - This course covers Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, a federal civil rights law, that prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in participating in federally funded...
(1 PD Hr.) Presenters Dr. Tim Dohrer and Dr. Tom Golebiewski define the characteristics and behaviors of an anti-bias stance in an educational environment and outline the skills and steps to develop a strong, collaborative anti-bias education program.
(2 PD Hrs.) Leaders who prioritize ethical conduct embody a set of principles, values, and beliefs that guide their actions and influence those around them.
(PD Hrs. 2) Optimistic leaders remain steadfast personally and professionally in the face of adversity; believe adversity can be overcome; look on the positive side of situations, and are positive when others cannot see beyond problems and risks to find...
(6 PD Hrs.) Black Girl Blues exposes participants to the historical, cultural, and social factors behind girl bullying in the African American culture.
(4 PD Hrs.) By Jim Burgett - This course outlines four fundamental attributes for successful school leaders. They are: making ethical decisions; being visible at the building level; creating positive relationships; and invoking positive attitudes.
(4 PD Hrs.) by Jim Burgett - Building positive workplace relationships and strong people skills is vital for success. This course will review four of the six chapters from Dale Carnegie, "How to Win Friends and Influence People.
(3 PD Hrs.) Presented by Dr. Herschel Hannah. This course provides participants with structures and strategies to implement protocols and practices in building relationships with students and stakeholders.
Bullying and Harassment: Helping Students and Parents (2023 - 2024)
(1 PD Hr.) Judy Brunner and Dennis Lewis will provide participants information related to the ever-changing legal parameters as well as when and how school personnel may intervene.
(2 PD Hrs.) Resilience describes the ability to bounce back from adversity in life. A more comprehensive and complex definition identifies resilience as a protective or positive process that is employed to reduce the negative outcomes that are possible...
(3 PD Hrs.) By Rachel Z. Fisher. The participants in this course will interpret how conversations, emotions, motivations, and perceptions with staff will create an environment that can either raise them to higher levels of achievement or push them down
(2 PD Hrs.) Embedding an Ethical Work Culture discusses three learning outcomes that help shape our understanding of ethics. The course will establish norms and expectations for ethical behavior, establish routines and processes for the ethical and respon
Ethical Considerations for School Employees (2023 - 2024)
(2 PD Hrs.) By Brian Schwartz - This workshop fulfills the statutory requirement found in Article 10, Section 22 mandating that every 2 years all school employees complete a workshop on educator ethics and school employee and student relationships.
(3 PD Hrs.) Presented by Dr. Herschel Hannah.
This course provides the participant with the skills and knowledge to engage in a critical analysis of personal beliefs and professional behaviors that raise equity self-awareness.
(2 PD Hrs.) Dr. Tammy Milby, Virginia Commonwealth University
This course will cover 4 sections: 1) Developing a Relationship with a Mentor 2) Teamwork, 3) Professional Renewal, and 4) Coping with Stress.
(4 PD Hrs.) Educational leaders can purposefully shape their school's culture by emphasizing the value of empathy and celebrating diverse perspectives from within and outside the school community.
Leadership@Work Part I - Becoming a Dynamic and Effective Leader
(3 PD Hrs.)By Karen Wagnon - Improve your personal intelligence! Becoming a dynamic and effective leader is about understanding behaviors and leadership styles. This course offers you vital insights towards becoming a greater leader.
Leadership@Work Part II - Understanding Needs and Drives to Become a More Effective Leader
(3 PD Hrs.) By Karen Wagon. In this course, the participants will have an understanding and distinguish the difference between ”internal needs" and "external drives" necessary to become a more effective leader.
(4 PD Hrs.) Participants will understand the Ten Elements of Principal Knowledge needed to create a collaborative culture. The five sections will define and apply the principles of effective dialogue and reflect on usage, identify and apply effective...
(3 PD Hrs) This course will enable participants to demonstrate best practices, behaviors, and the ability to implement effective student-centeredness approaches and policies. Presented by Gina Hopper Fulton.
(4 PD Hrs.) Presented by Dr Herschel Hannah
This course provides the knowledge and skills an educational leader needs to construct and sustain an equitable learning environment for all students.
(2 PD Hrs.) by Tiffany Barrett, IASP. Promoting and building a culture of tolerance in schools can be a daunting task; however, it begins with the educational leader facilitating and modeling openness, respect, and freedom of thought.
(2 PD Hrs.) By Dr. Diana Zaleski, Illinois Education Association. This course is designed to help educators understand the concept of mindset and how it relates to student achievement.