Available to all public school educators at no cost, ELN courses provide high-quality, on-demand content on the ELN platform. Don’t have access? Go here.
(4 PD Hrs.) By Dr. Rich Voltz - This course supports school leaders' development of stronger evaluation skills and offers practical activities and strategies to apply before, during and after the teacher evaluation process.
(1 PD Hr.) Presenters Dr. Tim Dohrer and Dr. Tom Golebiewski define the characteristics and behaviors of an anti-bias stance in an educational environment and outline the skills and steps to develop a strong, collaborative anti-bias education program.
(3 PD Hrs.) Dr. Diana Zaleski, Illinois Education Association. This course introduces practical applications of learning science for the remote classroom.
(3 PD Hrs.) In this course the participant will learn how to facilitate teacher analysis of student data, improve the instructional process to ensure student growth; collaboratively develop an effective assessment framework to ensure learning and...
(3 PD Hrs.) This course will develop the ability to implement an ongoing process for assessing the use and management of space and physical resources to maximize student and teacher success, assess and monitor the effect of leadership’s practices and...
(2 PD Hrs.) This mandated course is designed to help educators understand the implications of the 2018 amendments to Illinois Senate Bill 3466 or Public Act 100-0810 related to student attendance, engagement, and discipline.
(4 PD Hrs.) Understanding the purposes, characteristics, benefits and processes of authentic assessment are necessary competencies for all early childhood professionals.
Authentic Assessment in Early Childhood Part 2: ISBE Components
(3 PD Hrs.) This course will introduce the three Portfolio Components required by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE): Utilizing a Research-Based Assessment.
(2 PD Hrs.) By Dr. Linda Lyman - This course will address principals' current leadership needs to understand the implications of educational neuroscience for learning and leading.
Building a Community of Writers in Grades K-6 Classroom
(3 PD Hrs.) by Taylar Wenzel, Center for the Collaborative Classroom
In this course, the presenter shares the "Elements of Effective Instruction Tool" and an overview of the "Writing Workshop".
(3 PD Hrs.) This course is designed to help educators understand the accountability requirements concerning chronic absenteeism, and will discuss resources and strategies to improve student attendance and engagement.
(2 PD Hrs.) By Jill Brown. Close Reading is a portion of the Text Complexity Model found in the Common Core State Standards. This course will define close reading, identify its components, and provide practice and resources for classroom implementation...
Collaborating with Families During Remote Instruction
(3 PD Hrs.) Dr. Diana Zaleski, Illinois Education Association. The purpose of this course is to discuss opportunities for educators to collaborate with and support students and their families during times of remote instruction.
(3 PD Hrs.) The purpose of this course is to introduce educators to the process of conducting district assessment audits. District assessment audits help educators evaluate assessments and determine which assessments are necessary for essential...
(2 PD Hrs.) In this course, participants will learn how to facilitate teacher analysis of the curriculum selection and development process, provide curriculum-related feedback, and review how to implement processes and procedures that support effective...
(2 PD Hrs.) By Daniel Frederking - This course covers best practice in classroom assessment design, creation, and modification of assessments while exploring three phases: Planning for the assessment, designing the assessment, and post-assessment.
(3 PD Hrs.) This course will assist the learner in developing the skills to implement a new vision to promote organizational excellence and transformation; develop deep mindfulness of others’ viewpoints and perspectives; provide organizational...
Creating Developmentally Appropriate Lesson Plans in PreSchool Setting
(3PD Hrs.) This introductory course will provide teachers with the foundational information needed to create developmentally appropriate lesson plans for preschool children.
(4 PD Hrs.) The purpose of this course is to introduce educators to the process of designing quality classroom assessments. Guidelines for designing selected response, written response, performance assessment, and personal communication methods will be...
(6 PD Hrs.) By Dr. Joan Rhodes, Virginia Commonwealth University
This course covers five sections and gives tips on: 1) Differentiation, 2) Cultural and Linguistic, 3) Special Education, 4) Gifted Learners, and 5) Collaborating with Educational...
(5 PD Hrs.) This online course will guide participants to recognize and identify signs of dyslexia, interpret and analyze research as well as tips and tricks for best practices.
(2 PD Hrs.) In this course, participants will review structures and processes that ensure congruency between curriculum and instruction and effective communication to all stakeholders of the curriculum alignment.
Establishing a Peer Support Program in Your School (2023 - 2024)
(2 PD Hrs.) Presenters Dr. Tim Dohrer and Dr. Tom Golebiewski explain what peer helping is, outline steps in developing a Peer Helping program, and give advice how to design and develop a successful peer helping program.
(3 PD Hrs.) This course will help the educational leader demonstrate the ability to provide structures and processes that ensure congruency between assessment, curricular content, and instructional methods, effectively communicate to stakeholders a...
(2 PD Hrs.) By Michele Carmichael and Julie Evans. This course will differentiate between issues common to ADD and ADHD, issues not considered ADD and ADHD and provide educators with practical strategies, tools and ideas for a successful student learning.
(2 PD Hrs.) Feedback is an objective and targeted description of a student or teacher’s work intended to guide future work. The presenter will describe effective, high-quality feedback and will summarize the purpose of giving feedback and its impact...
(3 PD Hrs.) By Laura Beltchenko. The National Council on Measurement in Education, American Federation of Teachers, and National Education Association collaboratively developed the Standards for Teacher Competence in Educational Assessment of Students.
Leading Teaching and Learning - Student Engagement
(2 PD Hrs.) By Gail Huizinga - This course supports school leaders' development of stronger evaluation skills in recognizing intellectual student engagement in the classroom.
Leading Teaching and Learning: Effective Classroom Discussions
(3 PD Hrs.) By Gail Huzinga. This course strengthens a school leader’s ability to analyze and evaluate effective classroom discussions and discussion techniques used to facilitate a collaborative classroom culture.
Leading Teaching and Learning: Facilitating Outcome-Based Conversations
(3 PD Hrs.) By Gail Huzinga. This course will strengthen a school leader’s ability to facilitate conversations with staff in order to nurture professional growth.
Leading Teaching and Learning: High-Quality Questioning
(4 PD Hrs.) By Gail Huizinga - This course strengthens a school leader’s ability to analyze and evaluate effective questions and questioning techniques designed to deepen student thinking and learning.
Leading Teaching and Learning: Highly-Effective Instruction
(3 PD Hrs.) By Gail Huizinga - This course supports school leaders’ understanding and recognition of the instructional shifts present in highly effective classrooms.
Classroom Voices is a video series which covers the Illinois Learning Standards and their best practices implementation into the classroom. All videos related to ELA standards will be presented in this course for viewing.
Classroom Voices is a video series which covers the Illinois Learning Standards and their best practices implementation into the classroom. All videos related to mathematics standards will be presented in this course for viewing.
Classroom Voices is a video series which covers the Illinois Learning Standards and their best practices implementation into the classroom. All videos related to the Next Generation Science Standards will be presented in this course for viewing.
Classroom Voices is a video series which covers the Illinois Learning Standards and their best practices implementation into the classroom. All videos related to the social studies standards will be presented in this course for viewing.
(3 PD Hrs.) This course will assist the learner in developing skills that include the ability to generate a vision that begins the process of change in a sustainable, meaningful, and human-centered way; develop stakeholder acceptance of change; and...
(3 PD Hrs.) By Dr. Diana Zaleski, Illinois Education Association. The purpose of measuring student’s academic growth is to immediately inform the instructional process in order to increase student learning and close achievement gaps.
(2 PD Hrs.) In this course, the participant will examine the structures and processes that ensure congruency between curriculum content, instructional methods, and assessment to meet all academic needs.
Non-Certified Staff Working with IEP Students (2023 - 2024)
(1 PD Hrs.) This course covers the laws and regulation concerning the policies and guidelines districts must follow concerning supervising and training non-certified personnel and volunteers who will be working with students with IEPs.
Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy - Coaching Tools
(2 PD Hrs.) By Martha Morris, College Board. This course describes the Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy Coach Tools, how to access them, and how to use them to support students.
Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy - Introduction
(2 PD Hrs.) By Martha Morris, College Board. This course explains how educators can use Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy to support students as they build their college and career readiness skills.
(3Hrs) From Drug Enforcement Administration and Discovery Education. Opioid abuse and deaths among youth have sky-rocketed. States and school districts are including drug prevention awareness within the K-12 curriculum.
This informational service has been created for paraprofessionals. The intent of this ELN service is to be used as a resource, not as a strict set of “rules” that must be followed.
(5 PD Hrs.) By Adam Geisen and Mike Wielgus, Triad CUSD #2. This course guides the participant in creating a personalized professional development planning model driven by an analysis of available data and the interests/needs of the professional staff.
PLC's Part I - Laying the Foundation for Student Achievement
(4 PD Hrs.) By Sue Workman - This course provides an overview of the foundations of Professional Learning Communities. Participants can examine the current realities of their school/district in order to assess their readiness to implement or improve PLC p
PLC's Part II - Building the Structure to Support Student Achievement
(4 PD Hrs.) By Sue Workman - This course is designed with the principal in mind. It is intended to help the principal or other school leaders to assess the current culture and work of teams, and provide tools and procedures to move forward with PLC imple
(2 PD Hrs.) Participants in this course will examine, identify and analyze the roles and responsibilities of an effective paraprofessional and will utilize instructional strategies and assess behavioral strategies and/or activities that provide support...
(3 PD Hrs.) By Martha Morris, College Board
This course will review the knowledge and skills assessed on the PSAT 10, and compare them with content assessed on the SAT.
(3 PD Hrs.) By Martha Morris, College Board. This course will review the knowledge and skills assessed on the PSAT 8/9 and compare them with content assessed on the SAT.
(4 PD Hrs.) By Judy Brunner - This course shares the origin, procedures, benefits, and emphasis of restorative practices using counseling circles. Participants will be able to differentiate between traditional and restorative discipline practices.
(2 PD Hrs.) This course will demonstrate the use of restorative circles with a student government organization and a cheerleading team as both groups set goals and work through problems and conflict resolution.
(2 PD Hrs) A results-oriented culture is an environment in which everyone is accountable for the personal and collective growth of all members of the learning community.
(2 PD Hrs.) By Dr. Joan Rhodes, UVC. This course discusses roadblocks in the workplace and identifies strategies for overcoming those roadblocks. In addition, this course also provides strategies for dealing with difficult people in the workplace.
(2 PD Hrs.) By Martha Morris, College Board. This is a course that explores the Analysis in History/Social Studies cross-test score on the SAT Suite of Assessments.
(3 PD Hrs.) By Martha Morris, College Board. This is a deep-dive into the Math Section of the SAT Suite of Assessments. Participants will review test specifications, sample questions, and explore instructional strategies to build student skills.
(2 PD Hrs.) By Martha Morris, College Board. This is an introduction to the SAT Suite of Assessments. Learn about the knowledge and skills assessed, scores, and benefits of the Suite.
SAT Suite of Assessments - Using Scores and Reports to Inform Instruction
(2 PD Hrs) By Martha Morris, College Board. This course describes the scores and reports available in the K-12 Score Reporting Portal and suggests how to use the reports to improve student outcomes.
(4 PD Hrs.) Self-reflection is looking into a mirror and describing what you see. It is a way of assessing yourself, your ways of working and how you study.
(3 PD Hrs.) By Deb Greaney. This course provides a definition, benefits, and an overview of the SLO process, and the role an SLO can play as part of a teacher evaluation framework.
Study Skills Integrated & Aligned to Learning Styles
(2 PD Hrs.) Participants in this course will compare and contrast study skills for the three common learning styles (visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners); produce and integrate these strategies/activities that are best for each type of learner.
Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos HS Social Studies
(Pd Hrs. Awarded Locally) The Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos are a collection of professionally created videos of classrooms instruction that allow educators locally to collaborate, practice and calibrate teacher evaluation.
(Pd Hrs. Awarded Locally) The Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos are a collection of professionally created videos of classrooms instruction that allow educators locally to collaborate, practice and calibrate teacher evaluation.
(Pd Hrs. Awarded Locally) The Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos are a collection of professionally created videos of classrooms instruction that allows educators locally to collaborate, practice and calibrate teacher evaluation.
(Pd Hrs. Awarded Locally) The Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos are a collection of professionally created videos of classrooms instruction that allows educators locally to collaborate, practice and calibrate teacher evaluation.
(Pd Hrs. Awarded Locally) The Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos are a collection of professionally created videos of classrooms instruction that allows educators locally to collaborate, practice and calibrate teacher evaluation.
(Pd Hrs. Awarded Locally) The Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos are a collection of professionally created videos of classrooms instruction that allows educators locally to collaborate, practice and calibrate teacher evaluation.
(Pd Hrs. Awarded Locally) The Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos are a collection of professionally created videos of classrooms instruction that allows educators locally to collaborate, practice and calibrate teacher evaluation.
(Pd Hrs. Awarded Locally) The Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos are a collection of professionally created videos of classrooms instruction that allows educators locally to collaborate, practice and calibrate teacher evaluation.
(Pd Hrs. Awarded Locally) The Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos are a collection of professionally created videos of classrooms instruction that allows educators locally to collaborate, practice and calibrate teacher evaluation.
(Pd Hrs. Awarded Locally) The Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos are a collection of professionally created videos of classrooms instruction that allow educators locally to collaborate, practice and calibrate teacher evaluation.
(Pd Hrs. Awarded Locally) The Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos are a collection of professionally created videos of classrooms instruction that allows educators locally to collaborate, practice and calibrate teacher evaluation.
(Pd Hrs. Awarded Locally) The Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos are a collection of professionally created videos of classrooms instruction that allows educators locally to collaborate, practice and calibrate teacher evaluation.
(Pd Hrs. Awarded Locally) The Teacher Evaluation Calibration Videos are a collection of professionally created videos of classrooms instruction that allows educators locally to collaborate, practice and calibrate teacher evaluation.
(6 PD Hrs.) Dr. Tammy Milby, Virginia Commonwealth University. This course will cover four sections: 1) Engagement 2) Questioning 3) Learning Formats 4) Feedback and will provide educators with practical classroom instructional strategies, tools, and...
(4 PD Hrs.) Dr. Loraine Stewart. This course introduces the participant to techniques that help with personal organization of schedules, setting of priorities, and carrying out goals related to teaching.
Transforming Lessons and Learning Through Technology Integration
(3 PD Hrs.) By Aida Awad. This course will guide classroom educators as they journey along a pathway toward implementing SAMR levels and 21st Century Skills into an instructional technology integrated lesson.
(2 PD Hrs.) By Dr. Loraine Stewart, Virginia Commonwealth University. This course will cover three sections: 1) Motivating From the Inside Out, 2) Overcoming the Myths of Motivation, 3) Motivating Classroom; and will provide educators with practical clas